We have problems.

So let’s make progress.

Elect Julia Brim-Edwards.

East Portland Leadership. And Results.

It would be hard to find someone more committed to East Portland than Julia Brim-Edwards. It’s where she grew up, went to school at Glencoe Elementary and Washington-Monroe High School, raised three children with her husband Randall, and runs her small business. It’s also where she has worked for nearly five decades on behalf of our schools, our neighborhoods and the families that live and work here.

We’re with Julia!

Three Oregon Governors, state and local elected and community leaders, local small businesses, parents, and seniors from every corner of District 3 and organizations representing working families agree: Julia is the clear choice for County Commissioner.

“Julia has the right priorities and gets things done. She’s the clear choice for Multnomah County.”

- Governors Barbara Roberts, Ted Kulongoski and Kate Brown
Moms Demand Action 2024 Gun Sense Candidate

Julia has been selected as a Gun Sense Candidate by Moms Demand Action.